Devonshire rarebit

Devonshire rarebit – Ingredients 25g butter 25g plain flour 1/2 teaspoon English mustard 125ml Salcombe Brewery’s Island Street Porter 175g Quicke’s mature cheddar 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 2 slices of bread (we like the Almond Thief sourdough) Devonshire rarebit – Method In…

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Summer Cranachan

A classic Scottish dish with a Devon twist … One of our favoured summer desserts, light and simple but oh so delicious. In this dessert the local produce really sings with flavours and looks rather special when served in a cocktail glass. We’ve made this using…

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Beetroot & feta dip

Beetroot – it’s a love hate thing isn’t it? That earthy flavour adored by many is the same thing that puts other people off altogether. However much we may love these purple beauties sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with them. Here’s a…

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Coconut & banana pancakes

I have no idea why many of us only make pancakes once a year! They are actually really easy to do and there are so many variations. this one came about when I had some coconut milk left in the fridge … Coconut & banana…

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Foolproof flatbreads

We love making flatbreads as they’re so versatile. Serve with curry as a naan substitute, wrap around a tasty filling or dip into a spicy breakfast shakshuka. In the event you have any leftover, these do heat up well the next day too. Foolproof flatbreads…

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Seville orange tart

If you’ve already made enough marmalade and you don’t know what to do with those leftover seville oranges then try this delicious tart. To make life easier you can of course use a ready made pastry case … we won’t tell anyone. Seville Orange Tart…

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